Project Intake

• Project Process Overview

• Discovery / Research / Interview

• Ideate / Prototype / Test

• Feedback /Revise/ Delivery

• Repeat

Beautiful Solutions for the Holistic Creative

by Jay Muhlin

Vision | Heart | Energy 

Lemon Juice Projects provides photography and design solutions for artists, businesses, and creative brands.

Lemon Juice Values

  • Vision (👓): Vision is the ability to anticipate the future and see the big picture. It shapes strategy by setting the direction and defining the steps to reach our goals. It helps in problem-solving and fosters innovation. Just as glasses help us see clearly, having a vision provides clarity on our mission and purpose.

  • Heart (💛): Heart stands for passion, empathy, and commitment. It brings an emotional component to our endeavors. Just as the heart is central to human life, passion is the driving force behind any successful endeavor. When we operate from the heart, we cultivate a deep sense of dedication and foster relationships based on trust and respect.

  • Energy (⚡⚡): Energy is the vitality and intensity we bring to our work. It's the driving force that fuels our passion and propels us towards our vision. Just like a lightning bolt represents a sudden, impactful release of energy, a high-energy team can execute decisions quickly and effectively.

Project Process Overview

For Discovery & Research to began

Inquiry & Intake

Phase One - CURIOUS

To kickstart our collaboration, I'll provide you with a tailored Discovery Questionnaire. This comprehensive questionnaire will delve into key aspects of your business, target audience, brand identity, challenges, and objectives. Don't worry if you're not sure about some questions - we'll discuss them in detail during our Kickoff Call.

Discovery Meeting

Phase Two - CHAT

We listen first, honestly, we are excited to learn more about your project. Through our conversation, we can figure out what works for your needs and timeline. If it’s a good fit, we will send you a customized proposal.

Work Begins

Phase Three - SPARK

After we’ve received your signed contract and deposit, we’ll get to work. From this point on, the flow of the project will depend on scope, but our team is here to answer questions along the way!

in the 🍋 Pipe line


Phase One - Planning & Research

Content Creation

Phase two - Photo Session & Create


Phase Three - Culling, Editing, Retouching and delivery